What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?
If you have suffered an injury as a result of somebody else's negligence or wrong doing, you may be looking for a personal injury lawyer to help you recover your losses. Many people don't understand all of the different types of personal injury law, and it can be confusing when you need the help of an attorney. However, there are some common areas of law that any personal injury attorney would be familiar with. These are some of the main area areas that are handled by the bayou city law firm within the realm of personal injury:
Motor Vehicle Accidents: This is one of the most common types of personal injury lawyers. Most personal injury lawyers will experience case work in this area. This is because auto accidents usually involve vehicle collisions between vehicles, whether they are insured or not. You may also have a claim for injuries sustained in an accident caused by another person's negligence, such as drunk driving. If your claim involves an auto accident, you should speak with a personal injury lawyer to determine if your insurance company will make any kind of payment or offer any type of settlement.
Workplace Accidents: Workplace accidents are another common area of law where personal injury attorneys work. Again, this is because almost every business entity has an employee. It is important to understand your employment contract and all of its laws. If you are injured on the job, you may have a case against your employer. If you are unable to work because of your injury, you may be eligible to file a claim for lost wages and other compensation.
Commercial Vehicle Accidents: Sometimes, a commercial vehicle accident occurs when an employee is operating a vehicle recklessly or negligently. This is when a commercial vehicle is carelessly driven in an unsafe manner. If you have been injured in a commercial vehicle accident, you should contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss your case. Many personal injury lawyers work exclusively with drivers who are injured in such accidents.
Many times, attorneys who deal with personal injury claims will also handle other types of law cases such as malpractice and defective products cases. As previously stated, it can be difficult to know which attorney to select. To help you in this regard, it may be helpful to ask the potential personal injury lawyer in houston about their specialty. Ask them about the cases they most often deal with, and whether or not they have ever handled a similar case.
Product and Premises Liability: Another area of personal injury law involves products liability. Product liability allows a business owner to be held responsible for selling products that are inherently dangerous. If a product turns out to be dangerous, the business owner may be held liable for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and even property damage caused by the product's use. For this reason, a personal injury lawyer may be asked to investigate whether or not a product was inherently dangerous and, if so, to see if the business owner was aware of the potential danger. You can get more enlightened on this topic by reading here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_injury.